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Version: v7

Creating a New Game

Creating the Rojo Project

Rojo has a built-in command to initialize a new game project.

Open a new empty folder in VS Code. Your editor should look like this:

empty VS Code project

Open your VS Code Command Palette (ctrl+shift+P on Windows, cmd+shift+P on macOS) and type Rojo: Open Menu. Run the command that pops up:

rojo init command

Select Create one now from menu to initialize Rojo project

rojo initialize from menu

Once it succeeds, you should see a bunch of new files:

complete rojo project

These are all the files you need to get started with Rojo.

Building Your Place

Now that we have a project, one thing we can do is build a Roblox place file for our project. This is a great way to get started with a project quickly with no fuss.

Open your VS Code Command Palette (ctrl+shift+P on Windows, cmd+shift+P on macOS) and type Rojo: Open Menu. Run the command that pops up:

rojo init command

Click the Build project button.

rojo build from menu

Rojo will create a file named build.rbxlx that contains your new game!

If you open build.rbxlx in Roblox Studio now, you should see a baseplate, as well as code in services like ReplicatedStorage.

Live-Syncing into Studio

Building a place file is great for starting to work on a game, but for active iteration, you'll want something faster.

In Roblox Studio, make sure the Rojo plugin is installed. If you need it, check out the installation guide to learn how to install it.

To expose your project to the plugin, you'll need to start the live sync server.

Open your VS Code Command Palette (ctrl+shift+P on Windows, cmd+shift+P on macOS) and type Rojo: Open Menu. Run the command that pops up:

rojo init command

Click the project button from Projects in this workspace section

rojo serve command

You should see a small popup in the bottom right corner of your screen with a few details.

rojo serve output

Switch into Roblox Studio and press the Rojo plugin toolbar button. A panel should open:

Rojo plugin connection dialog

Press Connect.

If all went well, you should now be able to change files in your project directory and watch them sync into Roblox Studio in real time!

You can also visit the URL printed by Rojo to access extra information about the running session.

Uploading Your Place

Aimed at teams that want serious levels of automation, Rojo can upload places to automatically.

You'll need an existing game on as well as the .ROBLOSECURITY cookie of an account that has write access to that game.


It's recommended that you set up a Roblox account dedicated to deploying your game instead of your personal account in case your security cookie is compromised.

Generating and publishing your game is as simple as:

Uploading places is not yet supported in the Rojo VS Code Extension. You can publish your game using Roblox Studio or use the Rojo CLI instead.